Poetry Soul & Spirit

I’ve loved poetry my whole life. As a girl, I would write poems and stick them under my mother’s pillow. Teaching English, I came to enjoy bringing colorful stories to life through dramatic rendering.

Periodically, the school board released me for a week to do poetry and storytelling in area schools. Over time, the children affectionately dubbed me “The Poetry Lady”.

I specialize in telling powerful & emotionally gripping stories & poems taken from real life events.

Original pieces often include selections from Touch Me, my book of inspirational poetry and prose.

My brand of motivational speaking services can serve a variety of event types:

  • Diversity “Edutainment”
  • Professional Conferences
  • Organizational Retreats
  • Not-for-profit Fundraising


Original pieces build & promote inspiration. The story inspires courage for change. Dunbar selections testify of the resilience needed for restoration to unfold.


My aim is transformation of mind and heart. May apprehension diminish so that appreciation for spirit and culture are experienced.


If you, your team, or your organization is interested in exploring further the deliverables of PathMark Innovations, call 585-348-8196 or email patricia@pathmarkinnovations.com.

  • Inspiring poetry and storytelling
  • Coaching for individual leaders/executives
  • Equipping for critical reflection
  • Facilitating change leadership
  • Mentoring for developing speakers and writers